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Somerset & Dorset Animal Rescue


I visited Somerset & Dorset Animal Rescue (Facebook Page) on Friday 19/03/21. Upon arrival it already looks very clean and professional with big signs to welcome you and make sure you know where you are. My impression only improved from that point onwards.

This is a rescue that in based in Wincanton, Somerset and has been going for over 20 years and, from what I saw, they are only getting better. But let's go back to the beginning.

I have spoken to one of the family members involved, Emma, a few times and we finally arranged the visit. To be honest, having looked at their website, I was expecting something akin to a dog rescue with just a few extra animals. I was completely wrong.

I should also mention (as you can probably tell from the sign in the photo at the start of this blog), they work very closely with Animal SOS Sri Lanka as well. Honestly, this place is incredible, as are the people that run it.

Now, dog rescue is a big part of what they do. They rescue from Romania and rehome them here in the UK, they have been doing this for a long time now. One puppy who is receiving a bit of extra TLC is Brian. Brian was rescued by a lady back in Romania, but unfortunately he doesn't seem to have ever been socialised, either with people or with other dogs. This meant that Brian came over a little bit older than the puppies who usually come over from Romania. The team at S&D Animal Rescue are working wonders with him and have finally got him to walk on a lead and to start trusting people. Thankfully he already has a home to go to because this beautiful boy deserves all the love in the world after his tough start to life.

Brian with Emma, getting one of his walks on the lead

Part of the reason we arranged for Friday was because they were expecting 20 new rescued puppies from Romania to arrive around midday. Unfortunately, due to delays at Calais, that didn't materialise but, it meant I got to spend more time with the other animals.

First up were the ponies, Star, Secret and Oreo. These three Dartmoor Ponies have all called this place home for a long time now. They're all still a little nervous, but living a long life, free from worry. Then, in the paddock next to them, the animal which seems to be becoming something of a speciality for me at the moment, the sheep!

All of these beautiful guys have been rescued from farms and would have been on someone's plate if it weren't for S&D Animal Rescue. Still a small flock, but every bit as adorable and enquisitive as any other sheep.

A few chickens also call Somerset & Dorset Animal Rescue home. Now, anyone who knows me, knows I have a soft spot for chickens, particularly hens, and have 4 beautiful rescued girls of my own. So I naturally spent some time with them! The 4 roosters they have are definitely a vocal bunch, but absolutely stunning.

Somerset & Dorset Animal Rescue have some very impressive projects on the go and plans to expand and improve, to the point where they can help even more animals around the world. I can't wait to see their progress and, hopefully, I can play at least some small part in it.

The photos are almost edited now and, as always, will be available to view and prints will be available to purchase, with profits being donated back to S&D Animal Rescue. I've got a few more shoots lined up over the coming weeks, so I'll be back soon. In the meantime, follow me on Instagram for regular posts and updates.


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